Our Director
Building Strong, Confident, Beautiful Dancers
Shannon Gallagher – Owner/Co-Director
Shannon Gallagher began dancing at the age of three with Virginia Lee Mackesey as her primary teacher. She continued her dance education with the Joffrey Ballet, Gus Giordano, and Ballet West. Shannon was a member of the Duluth Ballet Company in 1988 and is a graduate of the UW-Madison. She has been teaching dance for more than 20 years and has received numerous awards for her choreography, as well as the locally known “Top Notch Teacher” award. Shannon was a paid consultant for American Girl Dolls, Girl Of The Year, Isabelle – giving dance advice to the author, as well as overseeing the artwork for the three Isabelle books, as well as Isabelle’s online journal. Shannon is the creator and owner of Elevate Dance. She is a Certified Dance Educator through Chicago National Association of Dance Masters. Shannon is currently the most recent Past President of Dance Masters of Wisconsin and is a member of National Dance Education Organization.