Your Recital Worries, Relieved...
“Help! my dancer doesn’t want to change costumes in front of other kids…” That’s ok. We can work it out. First, let me say that it’s, unfortunately, part of the dancer gig. Sometimes we have to change costumes wherever we can find a spot. It doesn’t mean we are going to change clothes in public, but sometimes we’re put in a situation where we do the best we can to be private and still be ready for our next dance. Here’s some useful tips…
Buy a nude colored camisole leotard to go under the costumes. You can also find them at as well as here in town at Rosy Cheeks, Davis Dancewear or La Boutique. Yes, it’s true, dancers don’t wear underwear on stage (they aren’t supposed to wear underwear in class either, but that’s a battle for another day) - the nude camisole leotard takes the place of underwear.
For dancers in ballet and tap/jazz - Put tan tights on first, then the nude leotard.
Ballet costumes - put the pink tights right over the tan tights and nude leotard. Then when she is done with her ballet dance, she just needs to take off the costume and pink tights and she’s ready to put on her tap or jazz costume.
“Help! I don’t have any idea how to make a real ballet bun!” Don’t worry. I got you. As I told dancers last night in class, I’ve been making ballet buns for about 150 years (not really, but somedays it feels like it), so I’m really good at it! I wrote a blog post with instructions, and of course, you can search “how to” videos on youtube too. A quick little disclaimer about the other blog post (highlighted right above this line), I wrote it a while back, not for recitals. Please don't add something "cute" like a ribbon or flowers for the recital. This year there are no headpieces (due to keeping it simple), but other years we would have something extra in our hair for ballet that matches the costume.
NOTE: Dancers in 30-minute ballet class do not need their hair in a bun. Dancers in tap and jazz classes are wearing their hair in a ponytail since we do not have time to change hair styles - just take out the ballet bun and you have a ponytail!
As I keep saying in my emails... Recitals are supposed to be fun. Don't stress over it. Send me an email if you have questions. I am happy to answer your questions!